General partner of the show


International Dog Show Klatovy 14. - 15. 9. 2024

List of judges 2024 List of judges 2024

updated on 29.05.2024

Changes as of 29.05.2024
•  PUG - change Kadlec Jakub /CZ, new Istas Fracois /FR
•  AFGHAN HOUND - change Istas Fracois /FR, new Šinko K. O. /SL
•  RUSSKIY TOY - change Istas Fracois FR, new Mušikić Jelena /MNE
•  GRIFFON BELGE - change Mušikić Jelena /MNE, new Kadlec Jakub /CZ
•  GRIFFON BRUXELLOIS - change Mušikić Jelena /MNE, new Kadlec Jakub /CZ
•  PEKINGESE - change Šinko K.O. /SL, new Istas Francois /FR

© 2024 International Dog Show Klatovy  •  email: